hey bloggers 😆

today I finished create task one so I am going to tell yall

ok lets start with what is in the video and what it’s about

ok so basically in the video I am reading ten facts about not just kicking and punching for create task one and after I finished writing my ten facts in my book I recorded me reading the ten facts on canva. After I finished recording I edited it,well I didn’t really didn’t need to do it because there was nothing to edit since it was perfect 😌

Anyway let me tell you what the create task are ok so basiclly create task one it to write ten facts about the journal story you read and read it out loud on a canva video while recording yourself

create task two was to make a Kahoot plan about your journal story and make sure the facts make sense

create 3 was to review punctuation from the story and choose two pages from the story and read them out while recording yourself fluently!!!

if you would like to see the video click on the video down below also remember to say positive things or helpfull things when you leave a comment enjoy!!!



Design by Alisha Ali

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